



Current Gold Holdings


Future Gold Price

Current Silver Holdings


Future Silver Price

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The Holdings Calculator permits you to calculate the current value of your gold and silver.

  • Enter a number Amount in the left text field.
  • Select Ounce, Gram or Kilogram for the weight.
  • Select a Currency. NOTE: You must select a currency for gold first, even if you don't enter a value for gold holdings. If you wish to select a currency other than USD for the Silver holdings calculator.

The current price per unit of weight and currency will be displayed on the right. The Current Value for the amount entered is shown.

Optionally enter number amounts for Purchase Price and/or Future Value per unit of weight chosen.

The Current and Future Gain/Loss will be calculated.

Totals for Gold and Silver holdings including the ratio percent of gold versus silver will be calculated.

The spot price of Gold per Troy Ounce and the date and time of the price is shown below the calculator.

If your browser is configured to accept Cookies you will see a button at the bottom of the Holdings Calculator.

Pressing the button will place a cookie on your machine containing the information you entered into the Holdings Calculator.

When you return to the cookie will be retrieved from your machine and the values placed into the calculator.

A range of other useful gold and silver calculators can be found on our Calculators page

Gold Price Calculators

Buy Gold & Silver At Spot gold prices are provided by several data feed providers, in the event that there is a failure in one data feed provider we switch to one of our other providers. has a licence agreement with the COMEX to display gold price data on a real time basis to our visitors. 

Gold prices are sometimes referred to as world gold prices, New York gold prices, spot gold prices, gold market prices and gold bullion prices. These prices are indications of the current trading prices for one troy ounce of gold on the various world exchanges. 

The price used in the gold price charts on GOLDPRICE.ORG is the 24 hour Spot Gold Bid Price (New York, London, Hong Kong and Sydney) This price is quoted in US dollars. Where the gold price is displayed in currencies other than the US dollar, it is converted into the local currency. 

Like all prices, the gold price reflects not only the inherent value of gold, but also the relative strength of the currency in which it is quoted. For example, the dollar price of gold may increase more in percentage terms than the Euro price of gold, to the extent that the change in price is a reflection of dollar weakness (in this case, against Euros) rather than an intrinsic change in gold market fundamentals.

GOLDPRICE.ORG gold price charts are updated every 1 minutes our live gold price charts update every 20 seconds.